New book – Systems Research for Real World Problems

An ideal text for anyone studying/ practising the use of systems ideas in its many guises. Edited by Prof. Frank Stowell. In a complex and changing world, current scientific approaches to problem solving have drastically evolved to include complexity models and emerging systems. Breaking problems into the smallest component and examining its position inside a system allows for a more regulated and measured technique in investigation, discovery, and providing solutions. Systems Research for Real-World Challenges is an essential reference source that Read More …

UKSS Conference June 2018

Can systemic thinking reshape health services? UK Systems Society conference in association with SPMC University of Portsmouth Run in conjunction with The 2018 European Conference on Information Systems. June 25th, 2018 Book your place here. Purchase accommodation by visiting this link. Provision of health service is facing major challenges in every country. Life expectancy has increased, people are active for longer, and citizens expect first-class healthcare and for “repairs” to be done quickly to restore them to their full capacity. Some expectations are Read More …

Young Researchers in Cybernetics and System Sciences

The International Academy for Systems and Cybernetic Sciences IASCYS calls for Excellent Contributions by Young Scientists in the Fields of Cybernetics & System Sciences Join the European Community of System Science and Design in Brussels in October 2018. Participate in the 10th congress of the European Union for Systemics UES2018. Apply for The Charles François International Prize, which rewards young scientists for all the promising aspects of their research, teaching or popularisation activities in Cybernetics and System Sciences. This prize will be Read More …