Sustainable Systems: the importance of Systems Thinking and Practice.

Event December 7th 2022

Enterprises and Communities exist in turbulent environments and face evolving challenges as they seek to engage in health, education, business, development,  leisure and other activities. Systems thinking (ST) offers a framework to address these complex, emergent problems. Public, Private and third-sector management professionals need to create resilient organizations to manage rapid developments and applications in technology, and recruit and develop adaptive staff. This challenge is within the context of increasing accountability for social and environmental responsibility, including the need to support climate adaptation (infrastructural, societal and personal changes) and mitigation (preventing or reducing emissions) activities. The Responsible Project Management community and the UK Systems Society offer the opportunity to bring together systems theorists and practitioners to discuss ideas relevant to these challenges. See flyer for full detail:

Management School One Day Conference December 2022
Management School One Day Conference December 2022
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